Professional Development

An Unexpected Benefit of COVID-19: The Formation of Life-Long Career Skills

The past months of pandemic-induced disruption to decades-long work processes have allowed large segments of the white-collar workforce to learn valuable new skills from the WFH experience. The University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism’s Center for Third Space Thinking suggests that remote employees were thrust into a crisis management experiment, that when successfully…

How to Gain the Skills You Need When Your Company Undergoes Major Change

When there is major change at an organization, it’s never an easy transition for employees like you who remain with the company. After all, you’ve given many months and even years to the business. There’s a good chance you’ve spent more time with your manager and fellow employees than with some of your closest friends…

4 Effective Ways to Prepare for More Intensive Job Evaluations

Whether you are passively or actively looking for a new role – two simple words bring a profound sense of comfort to what can be a stressful process: You’re hired. However, that sigh of relief among candidates isn’t coming quite as easily as it once did, as an increasing number of employers have stepped up…

Recognizing Opportunities: How to Become an Invaluable Player

Invaluable — something indispensable, vital and necessary to daily operations. That’s what you want to be to your employer. Getting to that point takes hard work, dedication and awareness. You also need insight — an understanding that goes beyond the obvious — so that you can anticipate changes in the marketplace and grasp the implications…

Leveraging Your Strengths to Maximize Leadership Potential

Everyone is born with certain innate talents, capabilities and strengths that make them who they are, many of which are characteristic of leadership. Be it attention to detail, critical thinking, attentiveness, or clearly explaining complicated concepts, there’s no one else quite like you, to paraphrase Fred Rogers. Leveraging your personal strengths at work often translates…

How to Transition From Worker Bee to Management

Upward mobility is a major selling point for candidates, especially for those who aspire to work in a management role. However, shifting from worker bee to management isn’t always easy. The transition can be fraught with obstacles, juggling not only the new tasks that need to be accomplished, but also overseeing the very people that…

How to Create a Winning Personal Brand

With the unemployment rate below 4 percent for the first time in nearly two decades and joblessness among managerial-related professionals below 2 percent, it’s safe to say the current job market is candidate-driven. Given the pace at which companies are hiring — more than 750,000 new jobs so far this year — there’s reason for optimism….